Hello Dome blog followers.
The internet on the island can be slow, especially at night when I would update the blog so it's been awhile since I've posted. We are still on island, still working on building the domes and still enjoying the tropical island.
We've had progress on our project. The days have been long working on the property, and at the end of each day I really didn't want to take the hour or two it takes to upload pictures and document our adventures. Yeah, it's selfish and I wish I had the energy but sitting and waiting on this site and the internet is too much at night. We've had followers ask if we're okay and yes, all is good. Island time makes things move slower than mainland activities but that's part of the reason we moved here.
Instagram and YouTube seem to be the easiest way to get the information out without waiting on the slow connections. Maybe it's the blog site upload that's slowing us down but whatever the issue is, please check us out on Denise's Instagram site and the YouTube links below.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taubertdomes/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQzqs8ZXAHG9ye5Z5h9Hfg
The new Home Sweet Domes YouTube site doesn't have content as of 9/16/20 since we're waiting for delivery of the new GoPro. The cell phone camera wasn't cutting it, especially since we're in range of Puerto Rico's emergency alerts which shuts down the camera and apps when they broadcast.
We started the original Helicopter365 YouTube site for friends and family that included random content from our island adventures but figured we'd start the Home Sweet Domes exclusively for property excavation for the home and for the dome build. When I started the Helicopter site there weren't restrictions on creating custom URL's. The only thing constant is change and it looks like I need a specific amount of followers on the new site to lose the funky link. Maybe in time but until then you have the link. We should get the camera in a few weeks and start posting videos along with the Instagram site.
Here's the short version: The driveway has been changed to the original S curve design. The cistern hole is dug and I formed in the base for the 1' thick by 20'x26' cistern base that's 13 1/2' deep. We couldn't get concrete trucks down and pumping costs were outrageous so we're currently paving the road and driveway so they can get down the hill. Check out the Instagram site for the current progress.
Thanks for following.
Kevin & Denise.